Torque Limiter
The torque limiter is a reliable and effective device consisting of various components such as hubs, friction plates, sprockets, bushings, and springs.. In the event of a mechanical overload, the torque limiter quickly disconnects the drive shaft from the drive assembly, protecting critical components from failure. Dan il-komponent mekkaniku essenzjali jipprevjeni l-ħsara lill-magna tiegħek u jelimina l-ħin ta 'waqfien għalja.
Fuq Goodwill aħna kburin lilna nfusna li nipproduċu limitaturi tat-torque magħmula minn materjali magħżula, kull komponent huwa wieħed mill-prodotti prinċipali tagħna. Our rigorous production techniques and proven processes set us to stand out, ensuring reliable and effective solutions that reliably protect machines and systems from costly overload damage.